// This example shows off a number of the features that micro_musicbox provides: // - Basic music player // - Channel based audio volume mixing w/ master volume // - Cross fade audio use std::time::Duration; use bevy::ecs::schedule::ShouldRun; use bevy::prelude::*; use micro_musicbox::prelude::AudioSource; use micro_musicbox::prelude::*; use micro_musicbox::CombinedAudioPlugins; use crate::utilities::{AppState, DetailsMarker, TextMarker}; mod utilities; pub fn main() { App::new() .add_plugin(utilities::SetupPlugin) // Loads resources .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugins(CombinedAudioPlugins::<AssetServer>::new()) .add_system_set(SystemSet::on_enter(AppState::Running).with_system(setup_audio).with_system(set_instructions)) .add_system_set(SystemSet::on_update(AppState::Running).with_run_criteria(has_music_state).with_system(cross_fade_tracks)) .run(); } /// A resource that we'll use to keep track of which track is currently the active one, for fading /// in and out pub struct MusicState { pub playing_first: bool, } pub fn has_music_state(state: Option<Res<MusicState>>) -> ShouldRun { state.is_some().into() } pub fn set_instructions( mut instructions: Query<&mut Text, (With<TextMarker>, Without<DetailsMarker>)>, mut details: Query<&mut Text, (With<DetailsMarker>, Without<TextMarker>)>, ) { for mut text in &mut instructions { text.sections[0].value = String::from("Press Right Shift To Change Tracks") } for mut text in &mut details { text.sections[0].value = String::from("Press 1-9 to change volume (10% - 90%)") } } pub fn setup_audio(mut commands: Commands, mut musicbox: MusicBox<AssetServer>) { musicbox.play_music("The-White-Kitty.mp3"); commands.insert_resource(MusicState { playing_first: true, }); } // pub fn pub fn cross_fade_tracks( input: Res<Input<KeyCode>>, mut music_box: MusicBox<AssetServer>, mut music_state: ResMut<MusicState>, ) { if input.just_released(KeyCode::RShift) { if music_state.playing_first { music_box.cross_fade_music( "The-Great-Madeja.mp3", AudioTween::new(Duration::from_millis(500), AudioEasing::InOutPowf(0.6)), ); } else { music_box.cross_fade_music( "The-White-Kitty.mp3", AudioTween::new(Duration::from_millis(500), AudioEasing::InOutPowf(0.6)), ); } music_state.playing_first = !music_state.playing_first; } if let Some(value) = map_key_values(&input) { // // You can set the volume of a channel with a convenience method // music_box.set_music_volume(value as f32 / 10.0); } if input.just_released(KeyCode::Return) { // // You can also get a mutable ref for the settings, in case you // need to do any maths with them. If you don't need `MusicBox` // in a system, then you can directly access the settings with // `Res<AudioSettings>`, or the ResMut equivalent // let mut settings = music_box.settings_mut(); if settings.master_volume < 1.0 { settings.master_volume = 1.0; } else { settings.master_volume = 0.5; } } } fn map_key_values(input: &Res<Input<KeyCode>>) -> Option<usize> { if input.just_released(KeyCode::Key1) { Some(1) } else if input.just_released(KeyCode::Key2) { Some(2) } else if input.just_released(KeyCode::Key3) { Some(3) } else if input.just_released(KeyCode::Key4) { Some(4) } else if input.just_released(KeyCode::Key5) { Some(5) } else if input.just_released(KeyCode::Key6) { Some(6) } else if input.just_released(KeyCode::Key7) { Some(7) } else if input.just_released(KeyCode::Key8) { Some(8) } else if input.just_released(KeyCode::Key9) { Some(9) } else { None } }