// Example code that deserializes and serializes the model.
// extern crate serde;
// #[macro_use]
// extern crate serde_derive;
// extern crate serde_json;
// use generated_module::Project;
// fn main() {
//     let json = r#"{"answer": 42}"#;
//     let model: Project = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();
// }

use std::collections::HashMap;

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

/// This file is a JSON schema of files created by LDtk level editor (https://ldtk.io).
/// This is the root of any Project JSON file. It contains:  - the project settings, - an
/// array of levels, - a group of definitions (that can probably be safely ignored for most
/// users).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Project {
	/// This object is not actually used by LDtk. It ONLY exists to force explicit references to
	/// all types, to make sure QuickType finds them and integrate all of them. Otherwise,
	/// Quicktype will drop types that are not explicitely used.
	#[serde(rename = "__FORCED_REFS")]
	pub forced_refs: Option<ForcedRefs>,

	/// LDtk application build identifier.<br/>  This is only used to identify the LDtk version
	/// that generated this particular project file, which can be useful for specific bug fixing.
	/// Note that the build identifier is just the date of the release, so it's not unique to
	/// each user (one single global ID per LDtk public release), and as a result, completely
	/// anonymous.
	#[serde(rename = "appBuildId")]
	pub app_build_id: f64,

	/// Number of backup files to keep, if the `backupOnSave` is TRUE
	#[serde(rename = "backupLimit")]
	pub backup_limit: i64,

	/// If TRUE, an extra copy of the project will be created in a sub folder, when saving.
	#[serde(rename = "backupOnSave")]
	pub backup_on_save: bool,

	/// Project background color
	#[serde(rename = "bgColor")]
	pub bg_color: String,

	/// An array of command lines that can be ran manually by the user
	#[serde(rename = "customCommands")]
	pub custom_commands: Vec<LdtkCustomCommand>,

	/// Default grid size for new layers
	#[serde(rename = "defaultGridSize")]
	pub default_grid_size: i64,

	/// Default background color of levels
	#[serde(rename = "defaultLevelBgColor")]
	pub default_level_bg_color: String,

	/// **WARNING**: this field will move to the `worlds` array after the "multi-worlds" update.
	/// It will then be `null`. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable
	/// the change immediately.<br/><br/>  Default new level height
	#[serde(rename = "defaultLevelHeight")]
	pub default_level_height: Option<i64>,

	/// **WARNING**: this field will move to the `worlds` array after the "multi-worlds" update.
	/// It will then be `null`. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable
	/// the change immediately.<br/><br/>  Default new level width
	#[serde(rename = "defaultLevelWidth")]
	pub default_level_width: Option<i64>,

	/// Default X pivot (0 to 1) for new entities
	#[serde(rename = "defaultPivotX")]
	pub default_pivot_x: f64,

	/// Default Y pivot (0 to 1) for new entities
	#[serde(rename = "defaultPivotY")]
	pub default_pivot_y: f64,

	/// A structure containing all the definitions of this project
	#[serde(rename = "defs")]
	pub defs: Definitions,

	/// If TRUE, the exported PNGs will include the level background (color or image).
	#[serde(rename = "exportLevelBg")]
	pub export_level_bg: bool,

	/// **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 0.9.3  Replaced
	/// by: `imageExportMode`
	#[serde(rename = "exportPng")]
	pub export_png: Option<bool>,

	/// If TRUE, a Tiled compatible file will also be generated along with the LDtk JSON file
	/// (default is FALSE)
	#[serde(rename = "exportTiled")]
	pub export_tiled: bool,

	/// If TRUE, one file will be saved for the project (incl. all its definitions) and one file
	/// in a sub-folder for each level.
	#[serde(rename = "externalLevels")]
	pub external_levels: bool,

	/// An array containing various advanced flags (ie. options or other states). Possible
	/// values: `DiscardPreCsvIntGrid`, `ExportPreCsvIntGridFormat`, `IgnoreBackupSuggest`,
	/// `PrependIndexToLevelFileNames`, `MultiWorlds`, `UseMultilinesType`
	#[serde(rename = "flags")]
	pub flags: Vec<Flag>,

	/// Naming convention for Identifiers (first-letter uppercase, full uppercase etc.) Possible
	/// values: `Capitalize`, `Uppercase`, `Lowercase`, `Free`
	#[serde(rename = "identifierStyle")]
	pub identifier_style: IdentifierStyle,

	/// Unique project identifier
	#[serde(rename = "iid")]
	pub iid: String,

	/// "Image export" option when saving project. Possible values: `None`, `OneImagePerLayer`,
	/// `OneImagePerLevel`, `LayersAndLevels`
	#[serde(rename = "imageExportMode")]
	pub image_export_mode: ImageExportMode,

	/// File format version
	#[serde(rename = "jsonVersion")]
	pub json_version: String,

	/// The default naming convention for level identifiers.
	#[serde(rename = "levelNamePattern")]
	pub level_name_pattern: String,

	/// All levels. The order of this array is only relevant in `LinearHorizontal` and
	/// `linearVertical` world layouts (see `worldLayout` value).<br/>  Otherwise, you should
	/// refer to the `worldX`,`worldY` coordinates of each Level.
	#[serde(rename = "levels")]
	pub levels: Vec<Level>,

	/// If TRUE, the Json is partially minified (no indentation, nor line breaks, default is
	/// FALSE)
	#[serde(rename = "minifyJson")]
	pub minify_json: bool,

	/// Next Unique integer ID available
	#[serde(rename = "nextUid")]
	pub next_uid: i64,

	/// File naming pattern for exported PNGs
	#[serde(rename = "pngFilePattern")]
	pub png_file_pattern: Option<String>,

	/// If TRUE, a very simplified will be generated on saving, for quicker & easier engine
	/// integration.
	#[serde(rename = "simplifiedExport")]
	pub simplified_export: bool,

	/// All instances of entities that have their `exportToToc` flag enabled are listed in this
	/// array.
	#[serde(rename = "toc")]
	pub toc: Vec<LdtkTableOfContentEntry>,

	/// This optional description is used by LDtk Samples to show up some informations and
	/// instructions.
	#[serde(rename = "tutorialDesc")]
	pub tutorial_desc: Option<String>,

	/// **WARNING**: this field will move to the `worlds` array after the "multi-worlds" update.
	/// It will then be `null`. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable
	/// the change immediately.<br/><br/>  Height of the world grid in pixels.
	#[serde(rename = "worldGridHeight")]
	pub world_grid_height: Option<i64>,

	/// **WARNING**: this field will move to the `worlds` array after the "multi-worlds" update.
	/// It will then be `null`. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable
	/// the change immediately.<br/><br/>  Width of the world grid in pixels.
	#[serde(rename = "worldGridWidth")]
	pub world_grid_width: Option<i64>,

	/// **WARNING**: this field will move to the `worlds` array after the "multi-worlds" update.
	/// It will then be `null`. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable
	/// the change immediately.<br/><br/>  An enum that describes how levels are organized in
	/// this project (ie. linearly or in a 2D space). Possible values: &lt;`null`&gt;, `Free`,
	/// `GridVania`, `LinearHorizontal`, `LinearVertical`
	#[serde(rename = "worldLayout")]
	pub world_layout: Option<WorldLayout>,

	/// This array is not used yet in current LDtk version (so, for now, it's always
	/// empty).<br/><br/>In a later update, it will be possible to have multiple Worlds in a
	/// single project, each containing multiple Levels.<br/><br/>What will change when "Multiple
	/// worlds" support will be added to LDtk:<br/><br/> - in current version, a LDtk project
	/// file can only contain a single world with multiple levels in it. In this case, levels and
	/// world layout related settings are stored in the root of the JSON.<br/> - after the
	/// "Multiple worlds" update, there will be a `worlds` array in root, each world containing
	/// levels and layout settings. Basically, it's pretty much only about moving the `levels`
	/// array to the `worlds` array, along with world layout related values (eg. `worldGridWidth`
	/// etc).<br/><br/>If you want to start supporting this future update easily, please refer to
	/// this documentation: https://github.com/deepnight/ldtk/issues/231
	#[serde(rename = "worlds")]
	pub worlds: Vec<World>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct LdtkCustomCommand {
	#[serde(rename = "command")]
	pub command: String,

	/// Possible values: `Manual`, `AfterLoad`, `BeforeSave`, `AfterSave`
	#[serde(rename = "when")]
	pub when: When,

/// If you're writing your own LDtk importer, you should probably just ignore *most* stuff in
/// the `defs` section, as it contains data that are mostly important to the editor. To keep
/// you away from the `defs` section and avoid some unnecessary JSON parsing, important data
/// from definitions is often duplicated in fields prefixed with a double underscore (eg.
/// `__identifier` or `__type`).  The 2 only definition types you might need here are
/// **Tilesets** and **Enums**.
/// A structure containing all the definitions of this project
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Definitions {
	/// All entities definitions, including their custom fields
	#[serde(rename = "entities")]
	pub entities: Vec<EntityDefinition>,

	/// All internal enums
	#[serde(rename = "enums")]
	pub enums: Vec<EnumDefinition>,

	/// Note: external enums are exactly the same as `enums`, except they have a `relPath` to
	/// point to an external source file.
	#[serde(rename = "externalEnums")]
	pub external_enums: Vec<EnumDefinition>,

	/// All layer definitions
	#[serde(rename = "layers")]
	pub layers: Vec<LayerDefinition>,

	/// All custom fields available to all levels.
	#[serde(rename = "levelFields")]
	pub level_fields: Vec<FieldDefinition>,

	/// All tilesets
	#[serde(rename = "tilesets")]
	pub tilesets: Vec<TilesetDefinition>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EntityDefinition {
	/// Base entity color
	#[serde(rename = "color")]
	pub color: String,

	/// If enabled, all instances of this entity will be listed in the project "Table of content"
	/// object.
	#[serde(rename = "exportToToc")]
	pub export_to_toc: bool,

	/// Array of field definitions
	#[serde(rename = "fieldDefs")]
	pub field_defs: Vec<FieldDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "fillOpacity")]
	pub fill_opacity: f64,

	/// Pixel height
	#[serde(rename = "height")]
	pub height: i64,

	#[serde(rename = "hollow")]
	pub hollow: bool,

	/// User defined unique identifier
	#[serde(rename = "identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// Only applies to entities resizable on both X/Y. If TRUE, the entity instance width/height
	/// will keep the same aspect ratio as the definition.
	#[serde(rename = "keepAspectRatio")]
	pub keep_aspect_ratio: bool,

	/// Possible values: `DiscardOldOnes`, `PreventAdding`, `MoveLastOne`
	#[serde(rename = "limitBehavior")]
	pub limit_behavior: LimitBehavior,

	/// If TRUE, the maxCount is a "per world" limit, if FALSE, it's a "per level". Possible
	/// values: `PerLayer`, `PerLevel`, `PerWorld`
	#[serde(rename = "limitScope")]
	pub limit_scope: LimitScope,

	#[serde(rename = "lineOpacity")]
	pub line_opacity: f64,

	/// Max instances count
	#[serde(rename = "maxCount")]
	pub max_count: i64,

	/// An array of 4 dimensions for the up/right/down/left borders (in this order) when using
	/// 9-slice mode for `tileRenderMode`.<br/>  If the tileRenderMode is not NineSlice, then
	/// this array is empty.<br/>  See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9-slice_scaling
	#[serde(rename = "nineSliceBorders")]
	pub nine_slice_borders: Vec<i64>,

	/// Pivot X coordinate (from 0 to 1.0)
	#[serde(rename = "pivotX")]
	pub pivot_x: f64,

	/// Pivot Y coordinate (from 0 to 1.0)
	#[serde(rename = "pivotY")]
	pub pivot_y: f64,

	/// Possible values: `Rectangle`, `Ellipse`, `Tile`, `Cross`
	#[serde(rename = "renderMode")]
	pub render_mode: RenderMode,

	/// If TRUE, the entity instances will be resizable horizontally
	#[serde(rename = "resizableX")]
	pub resizable_x: bool,

	/// If TRUE, the entity instances will be resizable vertically
	#[serde(rename = "resizableY")]
	pub resizable_y: bool,

	/// Display entity name in editor
	#[serde(rename = "showName")]
	pub show_name: bool,

	/// An array of strings that classifies this entity
	#[serde(rename = "tags")]
	pub tags: Vec<String>,

	/// **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0  Replaced
	/// by: `tileRect`
	#[serde(rename = "tileId")]
	pub tile_id: Option<i64>,

	#[serde(rename = "tileOpacity")]
	pub tile_opacity: f64,

	/// An object representing a rectangle from an existing Tileset
	#[serde(rename = "tileRect")]
	pub tile_rect: Option<TilesetRectangle>,

	/// An enum describing how the the Entity tile is rendered inside the Entity bounds. Possible
	/// values: `Cover`, `FitInside`, `Repeat`, `Stretch`, `FullSizeCropped`,
	/// `FullSizeUncropped`, `NineSlice`
	#[serde(rename = "tileRenderMode")]
	pub tile_render_mode: TileRenderMode,

	/// Tileset ID used for optional tile display
	#[serde(rename = "tilesetId")]
	pub tileset_id: Option<i64>,

	/// Unique Int identifier
	#[serde(rename = "uid")]
	pub uid: i64,

	/// Pixel width
	#[serde(rename = "width")]
	pub width: i64,

/// This section is mostly only intended for the LDtk editor app itself. You can safely
/// ignore it.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct FieldDefinition {
	/// Human readable value type. Possible values: `Int, Float, String, Bool, Color,
	/// ExternEnum.XXX, LocalEnum.XXX, Point, FilePath`.<br/>  If the field is an array, this
	/// field will look like `Array<...>` (eg. `Array<Int>`, `Array<Point>` etc.)<br/>  NOTE: if
	/// you enable the advanced option **Use Multilines type**, you will have "*Multilines*"
	/// instead of "*String*" when relevant.
	#[serde(rename = "__type")]
	pub field_definition_type: String,

	/// Optional list of accepted file extensions for FilePath value type. Includes the dot:
	/// `.ext`
	#[serde(rename = "acceptFileTypes")]
	pub accept_file_types: Option<Vec<String>>,

	/// Possible values: `Any`, `OnlySame`, `OnlyTags`
	#[serde(rename = "allowedRefs")]
	pub allowed_refs: AllowedRefs,

	#[serde(rename = "allowedRefTags")]
	pub allowed_ref_tags: Vec<String>,

	#[serde(rename = "allowOutOfLevelRef")]
	pub allow_out_of_level_ref: bool,

	/// Array max length
	#[serde(rename = "arrayMaxLength")]
	pub array_max_length: Option<i64>,

	/// Array min length
	#[serde(rename = "arrayMinLength")]
	pub array_min_length: Option<i64>,

	#[serde(rename = "autoChainRef")]
	pub auto_chain_ref: bool,

	/// TRUE if the value can be null. For arrays, TRUE means it can contain null values
	/// (exception: array of Points can't have null values).
	#[serde(rename = "canBeNull")]
	pub can_be_null: bool,

	/// Default value if selected value is null or invalid.
	#[serde(rename = "defaultOverride")]
	pub default_override: Option<serde_json::Value>,

	/// User defined documentation for this field to provide help/tips to level designers about
	/// accepted values.
	#[serde(rename = "doc")]
	pub doc: Option<String>,

	#[serde(rename = "editorAlwaysShow")]
	pub editor_always_show: bool,

	#[serde(rename = "editorCutLongValues")]
	pub editor_cut_long_values: bool,

	/// Possible values: `Hidden`, `ValueOnly`, `NameAndValue`, `EntityTile`, `Points`,
	/// `PointStar`, `PointPath`, `PointPathLoop`, `RadiusPx`, `RadiusGrid`,
	/// `ArrayCountWithLabel`, `ArrayCountNoLabel`, `RefLinkBetweenPivots`,
	/// `RefLinkBetweenCenters`
	#[serde(rename = "editorDisplayMode")]
	pub editor_display_mode: EditorDisplayMode,

	/// Possible values: `Above`, `Center`, `Beneath`
	#[serde(rename = "editorDisplayPos")]
	pub editor_display_pos: EditorDisplayPos,

	/// Possible values: `ZigZag`, `StraightArrow`, `CurvedArrow`, `ArrowsLine`, `DashedLine`
	#[serde(rename = "editorLinkStyle")]
	pub editor_link_style: EditorLinkStyle,

	#[serde(rename = "editorShowInWorld")]
	pub editor_show_in_world: bool,

	#[serde(rename = "editorTextPrefix")]
	pub editor_text_prefix: Option<String>,

	#[serde(rename = "editorTextSuffix")]
	pub editor_text_suffix: Option<String>,

	/// User defined unique identifier
	#[serde(rename = "identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// TRUE if the value is an array of multiple values
	#[serde(rename = "isArray")]
	pub is_array: bool,

	/// Max limit for value, if applicable
	#[serde(rename = "max")]
	pub max: Option<f64>,

	/// Min limit for value, if applicable
	#[serde(rename = "min")]
	pub min: Option<f64>,

	/// Optional regular expression that needs to be matched to accept values. Expected format:
	/// `/some_reg_ex/g`, with optional "i" flag.
	#[serde(rename = "regex")]
	pub regex: Option<String>,

	#[serde(rename = "symmetricalRef")]
	pub symmetrical_ref: bool,

	/// Possible values: &lt;`null`&gt;, `LangPython`, `LangRuby`, `LangJS`, `LangLua`, `LangC`,
	/// `LangHaxe`, `LangMarkdown`, `LangJson`, `LangXml`, `LangLog`
	#[serde(rename = "textLanguageMode")]
	pub text_language_mode: Option<TextLanguageMode>,

	/// UID of the tileset used for a Tile
	#[serde(rename = "tilesetUid")]
	pub tileset_uid: Option<i64>,

	/// Internal enum representing the possible field types. Possible values: F_Int, F_Float,
	/// F_String, F_Text, F_Bool, F_Color, F_Enum(...), F_Point, F_Path, F_EntityRef, F_Tile
	#[serde(rename = "type")]
	pub purple_type: String,

	/// Unique Int identifier
	#[serde(rename = "uid")]
	pub uid: i64,

	/// If TRUE, the color associated with this field will override the Entity or Level default
	/// color in the editor UI. For Enum fields, this would be the color associated to their
	/// values.
	#[serde(rename = "useForSmartColor")]
	pub use_for_smart_color: bool,

/// This object represents a custom sub rectangle in a Tileset image.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TilesetRectangle {
	/// Height in pixels
	#[serde(rename = "h")]
	pub h: i64,

	/// UID of the tileset
	#[serde(rename = "tilesetUid")]
	pub tileset_uid: i64,

	/// Width in pixels
	#[serde(rename = "w")]
	pub w: i64,

	/// X pixels coordinate of the top-left corner in the Tileset image
	#[serde(rename = "x")]
	pub x: i64,

	/// Y pixels coordinate of the top-left corner in the Tileset image
	#[serde(rename = "y")]
	pub y: i64,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EnumDefinition {
	#[serde(rename = "externalFileChecksum")]
	pub external_file_checksum: Option<String>,

	/// Relative path to the external file providing this Enum
	#[serde(rename = "externalRelPath")]
	pub external_rel_path: Option<String>,

	/// Tileset UID if provided
	#[serde(rename = "iconTilesetUid")]
	pub icon_tileset_uid: Option<i64>,

	/// User defined unique identifier
	#[serde(rename = "identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// An array of user-defined tags to organize the Enums
	#[serde(rename = "tags")]
	pub tags: Vec<String>,

	/// Unique Int identifier
	#[serde(rename = "uid")]
	pub uid: i64,

	/// All possible enum values, with their optional Tile infos.
	#[serde(rename = "values")]
	pub values: Vec<EnumValueDefinition>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EnumValueDefinition {
	/// An array of 4 Int values that refers to the tile in the tileset image: `[ x, y, width,
	/// height ]`
	#[serde(rename = "__tileSrcRect")]
	pub tile_src_rect: Option<Vec<i64>>,

	/// Optional color
	#[serde(rename = "color")]
	pub color: i64,

	/// Enum value
	#[serde(rename = "id")]
	pub id: String,

	/// The optional ID of the tile
	#[serde(rename = "tileId")]
	pub tile_id: Option<i64>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct LayerDefinition {
	/// Type of the layer (*IntGrid, Entities, Tiles or AutoLayer*)
	#[serde(rename = "__type")]
	pub layer_definition_type: String,

	/// Contains all the auto-layer rule definitions.
	#[serde(rename = "autoRuleGroups")]
	pub auto_rule_groups: Vec<AutoLayerRuleGroup>,

	#[serde(rename = "autoSourceLayerDefUid")]
	pub auto_source_layer_def_uid: Option<i64>,

	/// **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0  Replaced
	/// by: `tilesetDefUid`
	#[serde(rename = "autoTilesetDefUid")]
	pub auto_tileset_def_uid: Option<i64>,

	/// Allow editor selections when the layer is not currently active.
	#[serde(rename = "canSelectWhenInactive")]
	pub can_select_when_inactive: bool,

	/// Opacity of the layer (0 to 1.0)
	#[serde(rename = "displayOpacity")]
	pub display_opacity: f64,

	/// An array of tags to forbid some Entities in this layer
	#[serde(rename = "excludedTags")]
	pub excluded_tags: Vec<String>,

	/// Width and height of the grid in pixels
	#[serde(rename = "gridSize")]
	pub grid_size: i64,

	/// Height of the optional "guide" grid in pixels
	#[serde(rename = "guideGridHei")]
	pub guide_grid_hei: i64,

	/// Width of the optional "guide" grid in pixels
	#[serde(rename = "guideGridWid")]
	pub guide_grid_wid: i64,

	#[serde(rename = "hideFieldsWhenInactive")]
	pub hide_fields_when_inactive: bool,

	/// Hide the layer from the list on the side of the editor view.
	#[serde(rename = "hideInList")]
	pub hide_in_list: bool,

	/// User defined unique identifier
	#[serde(rename = "identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// Alpha of this layer when it is not the active one.
	#[serde(rename = "inactiveOpacity")]
	pub inactive_opacity: f64,

	/// An array that defines extra optional info for each IntGrid value.<br/>  WARNING: the
	/// array order is not related to actual IntGrid values! As user can re-order IntGrid values
	/// freely, you may value "2" before value "1" in this array.
	#[serde(rename = "intGridValues")]
	pub int_grid_values: Vec<IntGridValueDefinition>,

	/// Parallax horizontal factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling
	/// speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect.
	#[serde(rename = "parallaxFactorX")]
	pub parallax_factor_x: f64,

	/// Parallax vertical factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling speed
	/// of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect.
	#[serde(rename = "parallaxFactorY")]
	pub parallax_factor_y: f64,

	/// If true (default), a layer with a parallax factor will also be scaled up/down accordingly.
	#[serde(rename = "parallaxScaling")]
	pub parallax_scaling: bool,

	/// X offset of the layer, in pixels (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the `LayerInstance`
	/// optional offset)
	#[serde(rename = "pxOffsetX")]
	pub px_offset_x: i64,

	/// Y offset of the layer, in pixels (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the `LayerInstance`
	/// optional offset)
	#[serde(rename = "pxOffsetY")]
	pub px_offset_y: i64,

	/// An array of tags to filter Entities that can be added to this layer
	#[serde(rename = "requiredTags")]
	pub required_tags: Vec<String>,

	/// If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to
	/// position the tile relatively its grid cell.
	#[serde(rename = "tilePivotX")]
	pub tile_pivot_x: f64,

	/// If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to
	/// position the tile relatively its grid cell.
	#[serde(rename = "tilePivotY")]
	pub tile_pivot_y: f64,

	/// Reference to the default Tileset UID being used by this layer definition.<br/>
	/// **WARNING**: some layer *instances* might use a different tileset. So most of the time,
	/// you should probably use the `__tilesetDefUid` value found in layer instances.<br/>  Note:
	/// since version 1.0.0, the old `autoTilesetDefUid` was removed and merged into this value.
	#[serde(rename = "tilesetDefUid")]
	pub tileset_def_uid: Option<i64>,

	/// Type of the layer as Haxe Enum Possible values: `IntGrid`, `Entities`, `Tiles`,
	/// `AutoLayer`
	#[serde(rename = "type")]
	pub purple_type: Type,

	/// Unique Int identifier
	#[serde(rename = "uid")]
	pub uid: i64,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct AutoLayerRuleGroup {
	#[serde(rename = "active")]
	pub active: bool,

	/// *This field was removed in 1.0.0 and should no longer be used.*
	#[serde(rename = "collapsed")]
	pub collapsed: Option<bool>,

	#[serde(rename = "isOptional")]
	pub is_optional: bool,

	#[serde(rename = "name")]
	pub name: String,

	#[serde(rename = "rules")]
	pub rules: Vec<AutoLayerRuleDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "uid")]
	pub uid: i64,

	#[serde(rename = "usesWizard")]
	pub uses_wizard: bool,

/// This complex section isn't meant to be used by game devs at all, as these rules are
/// completely resolved internally by the editor before any saving. You should just ignore
/// this part.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct AutoLayerRuleDefinition {
	/// If FALSE, the rule effect isn't applied, and no tiles are generated.
	#[serde(rename = "active")]
	pub active: bool,

	/// When TRUE, the rule will prevent other rules to be applied in the same cell if it matches
	/// (TRUE by default).
	#[serde(rename = "breakOnMatch")]
	pub break_on_match: bool,

	/// Chances for this rule to be applied (0 to 1)
	#[serde(rename = "chance")]
	pub chance: f64,

	/// Checker mode Possible values: `None`, `Horizontal`, `Vertical`
	#[serde(rename = "checker")]
	pub checker: Checker,

	/// If TRUE, allow rule to be matched by flipping its pattern horizontally
	#[serde(rename = "flipX")]
	pub flip_x: bool,

	/// If TRUE, allow rule to be matched by flipping its pattern vertically
	#[serde(rename = "flipY")]
	pub flip_y: bool,

	/// Default IntGrid value when checking cells outside of level bounds
	#[serde(rename = "outOfBoundsValue")]
	pub out_of_bounds_value: Option<i64>,

	/// Rule pattern (size x size)
	#[serde(rename = "pattern")]
	pub pattern: Vec<i64>,

	/// If TRUE, enable Perlin filtering to only apply rule on specific random area
	#[serde(rename = "perlinActive")]
	pub perlin_active: bool,

	#[serde(rename = "perlinOctaves")]
	pub perlin_octaves: f64,

	#[serde(rename = "perlinScale")]
	pub perlin_scale: f64,

	#[serde(rename = "perlinSeed")]
	pub perlin_seed: f64,

	/// X pivot of a tile stamp (0-1)
	#[serde(rename = "pivotX")]
	pub pivot_x: f64,

	/// Y pivot of a tile stamp (0-1)
	#[serde(rename = "pivotY")]
	pub pivot_y: f64,

	/// Pattern width & height. Should only be 1,3,5 or 7.
	#[serde(rename = "size")]
	pub size: i64,

	/// Array of all the tile IDs. They are used randomly or as stamps, based on `tileMode` value.
	#[serde(rename = "tileIds")]
	pub tile_ids: Vec<i64>,

	/// Defines how tileIds array is used Possible values: `Single`, `Stamp`
	#[serde(rename = "tileMode")]
	pub tile_mode: TileMode,

	/// Unique Int identifier
	#[serde(rename = "uid")]
	pub uid: i64,

	/// X cell coord modulo
	#[serde(rename = "xModulo")]
	pub x_modulo: i64,

	/// X cell start offset
	#[serde(rename = "xOffset")]
	pub x_offset: i64,

	/// Y cell coord modulo
	#[serde(rename = "yModulo")]
	pub y_modulo: i64,

	/// Y cell start offset
	#[serde(rename = "yOffset")]
	pub y_offset: i64,

/// IntGrid value definition
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct IntGridValueDefinition {
	#[serde(rename = "color")]
	pub color: String,

	/// User defined unique identifier
	#[serde(rename = "identifier")]
	pub identifier: Option<String>,

	/// The IntGrid value itself
	#[serde(rename = "value")]
	pub value: i64,

/// The `Tileset` definition is the most important part among project definitions. It
/// contains some extra informations about each integrated tileset. If you only had to parse
/// one definition section, that would be the one.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TilesetDefinition {
	/// Grid-based height
	#[serde(rename = "__cHei")]
	pub c_hei: i64,

	/// Grid-based width
	#[serde(rename = "__cWid")]
	pub c_wid: i64,

	/// The following data is used internally for various optimizations. It's always synced with
	/// source image changes.
	#[serde(rename = "cachedPixelData")]
	pub cached_pixel_data: Option<HashMap<String, Option<serde_json::Value>>>,

	/// An array of custom tile metadata
	#[serde(rename = "customData")]
	pub custom_data: Vec<TileCustomMetadata>,

	/// If this value is set, then it means that this atlas uses an internal LDtk atlas image
	/// instead of a loaded one. Possible values: &lt;`null`&gt;, `LdtkIcons`
	#[serde(rename = "embedAtlas")]
	pub embed_atlas: Option<EmbedAtlas>,

	/// Tileset tags using Enum values specified by `tagsSourceEnumId`. This array contains 1
	/// element per Enum value, which contains an array of all Tile IDs that are tagged with it.
	#[serde(rename = "enumTags")]
	pub enum_tags: Vec<EnumTagValue>,

	/// User defined unique identifier
	#[serde(rename = "identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// Distance in pixels from image borders
	#[serde(rename = "padding")]
	pub padding: i64,

	/// Image height in pixels
	#[serde(rename = "pxHei")]
	pub px_hei: i64,

	/// Image width in pixels
	#[serde(rename = "pxWid")]
	pub px_wid: i64,

	/// Path to the source file, relative to the current project JSON file<br/>  It can be null
	/// if no image was provided, or when using an embed atlas.
	#[serde(rename = "relPath")]
	pub rel_path: Option<String>,

	/// Array of group of tiles selections, only meant to be used in the editor
	#[serde(rename = "savedSelections")]
	pub saved_selections: Vec<HashMap<String, Option<serde_json::Value>>>,

	/// Space in pixels between all tiles
	#[serde(rename = "spacing")]
	pub spacing: i64,

	/// An array of user-defined tags to organize the Tilesets
	#[serde(rename = "tags")]
	pub tags: Vec<String>,

	/// Optional Enum definition UID used for this tileset meta-data
	#[serde(rename = "tagsSourceEnumUid")]
	pub tags_source_enum_uid: Option<i64>,

	#[serde(rename = "tileGridSize")]
	pub tile_grid_size: i64,

	/// Unique Intidentifier
	#[serde(rename = "uid")]
	pub uid: i64,

/// In a tileset definition, user defined meta-data of a tile.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TileCustomMetadata {
	#[serde(rename = "data")]
	pub data: String,

	#[serde(rename = "tileId")]
	pub tile_id: i64,

/// In a tileset definition, enum based tag infos
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EnumTagValue {
	#[serde(rename = "enumValueId")]
	pub enum_value_id: String,

	#[serde(rename = "tileIds")]
	pub tile_ids: Vec<i64>,

/// This object is not actually used by LDtk. It ONLY exists to force explicit references to
/// all types, to make sure QuickType finds them and integrate all of them. Otherwise,
/// Quicktype will drop types that are not explicitely used.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ForcedRefs {
	#[serde(rename = "AutoLayerRuleGroup")]
	pub auto_layer_rule_group: Option<AutoLayerRuleGroup>,

	#[serde(rename = "AutoRuleDef")]
	pub auto_rule_def: Option<AutoLayerRuleDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "CustomCommand")]
	pub custom_command: Option<LdtkCustomCommand>,

	#[serde(rename = "Definitions")]
	pub definitions: Option<Definitions>,

	#[serde(rename = "EntityDef")]
	pub entity_def: Option<EntityDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "EntityInstance")]
	pub entity_instance: Option<EntityInstance>,

	#[serde(rename = "EntityReferenceInfos")]
	pub entity_reference_infos: Option<ReferenceToAnEntityInstance>,

	#[serde(rename = "EnumDef")]
	pub enum_def: Option<EnumDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "EnumDefValues")]
	pub enum_def_values: Option<EnumValueDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "EnumTagValue")]
	pub enum_tag_value: Option<EnumTagValue>,

	#[serde(rename = "FieldDef")]
	pub field_def: Option<FieldDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "FieldInstance")]
	pub field_instance: Option<FieldInstance>,

	#[serde(rename = "GridPoint")]
	pub grid_point: Option<GridPoint>,

	#[serde(rename = "IntGridValueDef")]
	pub int_grid_value_def: Option<IntGridValueDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "IntGridValueInstance")]
	pub int_grid_value_instance: Option<IntGridValueInstance>,

	#[serde(rename = "LayerDef")]
	pub layer_def: Option<LayerDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "LayerInstance")]
	pub layer_instance: Option<LayerInstance>,

	#[serde(rename = "Level")]
	pub level: Option<Level>,

	#[serde(rename = "LevelBgPosInfos")]
	pub level_bg_pos_infos: Option<LevelBackgroundPosition>,

	#[serde(rename = "NeighbourLevel")]
	pub neighbour_level: Option<NeighbourLevel>,

	#[serde(rename = "TableOfContentEntry")]
	pub table_of_content_entry: Option<LdtkTableOfContentEntry>,

	#[serde(rename = "Tile")]
	pub tile: Option<TileInstance>,

	#[serde(rename = "TileCustomMetadata")]
	pub tile_custom_metadata: Option<TileCustomMetadata>,

	#[serde(rename = "TilesetDef")]
	pub tileset_def: Option<TilesetDefinition>,

	#[serde(rename = "TilesetRect")]
	pub tileset_rect: Option<TilesetRectangle>,

	#[serde(rename = "World")]
	pub world: Option<World>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EntityInstance {
	/// Grid-based coordinates (`[x,y]` format)
	#[serde(rename = "__grid")]
	pub grid: Vec<i64>,

	/// Entity definition identifier
	#[serde(rename = "__identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// Pivot coordinates  (`[x,y]` format, values are from 0 to 1) of the Entity
	#[serde(rename = "__pivot")]
	pub pivot: Vec<f64>,

	/// The entity "smart" color, guessed from either Entity definition, or one its field
	/// instances.
	#[serde(rename = "__smartColor")]
	pub smart_color: String,

	/// Array of tags defined in this Entity definition
	#[serde(rename = "__tags")]
	pub tags: Vec<String>,

	/// Optional TilesetRect used to display this entity (it could either be the default Entity
	/// tile, or some tile provided by a field value, like an Enum).
	#[serde(rename = "__tile")]
	pub tile: Option<TilesetRectangle>,

	/// Reference of the **Entity definition** UID
	#[serde(rename = "defUid")]
	pub def_uid: i64,

	/// An array of all custom fields and their values.
	#[serde(rename = "fieldInstances")]
	pub field_instances: Vec<FieldInstance>,

	/// Entity height in pixels. For non-resizable entities, it will be the same as Entity
	/// definition.
	#[serde(rename = "height")]
	pub height: i64,

	/// Unique instance identifier
	#[serde(rename = "iid")]
	pub iid: String,

	/// Pixel coordinates (`[x,y]` format) in current level coordinate space. Don't forget
	/// optional layer offsets, if they exist!
	#[serde(rename = "px")]
	pub px: Vec<i64>,

	/// Entity width in pixels. For non-resizable entities, it will be the same as Entity
	/// definition.
	#[serde(rename = "width")]
	pub width: i64,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct FieldInstance {
	/// Field definition identifier
	#[serde(rename = "__identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// Optional TilesetRect used to display this field (this can be the field own Tile, or some
	/// other Tile guessed from the value, like an Enum).
	#[serde(rename = "__tile")]
	pub tile: Option<TilesetRectangle>,

	/// Type of the field, such as `Int`, `Float`, `String`, `Enum(my_enum_name)`, `Bool`,
	/// etc.<br/>  NOTE: if you enable the advanced option **Use Multilines type**, you will have
	/// "*Multilines*" instead of "*String*" when relevant.
	#[serde(rename = "__type")]
	pub field_instance_type: String,

	/// Actual value of the field instance. The value type varies, depending on `__type`:<br/>
	/// - For **classic types** (ie. Integer, Float, Boolean, String, Text and FilePath), you
	/// just get the actual value with the expected type.<br/>   - For **Color**, the value is an
	/// hexadecimal string using "#rrggbb" format.<br/>   - For **Enum**, the value is a String
	/// representing the selected enum value.<br/>   - For **Point**, the value is a
	/// [GridPoint](#ldtk-GridPoint) object.<br/>   - For **Tile**, the value is a
	/// [TilesetRect](#ldtk-TilesetRect) object.<br/>   - For **EntityRef**, the value is an
	/// [EntityReferenceInfos](#ldtk-EntityReferenceInfos) object.<br/><br/>  If the field is an
	/// array, then this `__value` will also be a JSON array.
	#[serde(rename = "__value")]
	pub value: Option<serde_json::Value>,

	/// Reference of the **Field definition** UID
	#[serde(rename = "defUid")]
	pub def_uid: i64,

	/// Editor internal raw values
	#[serde(rename = "realEditorValues")]
	pub real_editor_values: Vec<Option<serde_json::Value>>,

/// This object describes the "location" of an Entity instance in the project worlds.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ReferenceToAnEntityInstance {
	/// IID of the refered EntityInstance
	#[serde(rename = "entityIid")]
	pub entity_iid: String,

	/// IID of the LayerInstance containing the refered EntityInstance
	#[serde(rename = "layerIid")]
	pub layer_iid: String,

	/// IID of the Level containing the refered EntityInstance
	#[serde(rename = "levelIid")]
	pub level_iid: String,

	/// IID of the World containing the refered EntityInstance
	#[serde(rename = "worldIid")]
	pub world_iid: String,

/// This object is just a grid-based coordinate used in Field values.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct GridPoint {
	/// X grid-based coordinate
	#[serde(rename = "cx")]
	pub cx: i64,

	/// Y grid-based coordinate
	#[serde(rename = "cy")]
	pub cy: i64,

/// IntGrid value instance
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct IntGridValueInstance {
	/// Coordinate ID in the layer grid
	#[serde(rename = "coordId")]
	pub coord_id: i64,

	/// IntGrid value
	#[serde(rename = "v")]
	pub v: i64,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct LayerInstance {
	/// Grid-based height
	#[serde(rename = "__cHei")]
	pub c_hei: i64,

	/// Grid-based width
	#[serde(rename = "__cWid")]
	pub c_wid: i64,

	/// Grid size
	#[serde(rename = "__gridSize")]
	pub grid_size: i64,

	/// Layer definition identifier
	#[serde(rename = "__identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// Layer opacity as Float [0-1]
	#[serde(rename = "__opacity")]
	pub opacity: f64,

	/// Total layer X pixel offset, including both instance and definition offsets.
	#[serde(rename = "__pxTotalOffsetX")]
	pub px_total_offset_x: i64,

	/// Total layer Y pixel offset, including both instance and definition offsets.
	#[serde(rename = "__pxTotalOffsetY")]
	pub px_total_offset_y: i64,

	/// The definition UID of corresponding Tileset, if any.
	#[serde(rename = "__tilesetDefUid")]
	pub tileset_def_uid: Option<i64>,

	/// The relative path to corresponding Tileset, if any.
	#[serde(rename = "__tilesetRelPath")]
	pub tileset_rel_path: Option<String>,

	/// Layer type (possible values: IntGrid, Entities, Tiles or AutoLayer)
	#[serde(rename = "__type")]
	pub layer_instance_type: String,

	/// An array containing all tiles generated by Auto-layer rules. The array is already sorted
	/// in display order (ie. 1st tile is beneath 2nd, which is beneath 3rd etc.).<br/><br/>
	/// Note: if multiple tiles are stacked in the same cell as the result of different rules,
	/// all tiles behind opaque ones will be discarded.
	#[serde(rename = "autoLayerTiles")]
	pub auto_layer_tiles: Vec<TileInstance>,

	#[serde(rename = "entityInstances")]
	pub entity_instances: Vec<EntityInstance>,

	#[serde(rename = "gridTiles")]
	pub grid_tiles: Vec<TileInstance>,

	/// Unique layer instance identifier
	#[serde(rename = "iid")]
	pub iid: String,

	/// **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.0.0  Replaced
	/// by: `intGridCsv`
	#[serde(rename = "intGrid")]
	pub int_grid: Option<Vec<IntGridValueInstance>>,

	/// A list of all values in the IntGrid layer, stored in CSV format (Comma Separated
	/// Values).<br/>  Order is from left to right, and top to bottom (ie. first row from left to
	/// right, followed by second row, etc).<br/>  `0` means "empty cell" and IntGrid values
	/// start at 1.<br/>  The array size is `__cWid` x `__cHei` cells.
	#[serde(rename = "intGridCsv")]
	pub int_grid_csv: Vec<i64>,

	/// Reference the Layer definition UID
	#[serde(rename = "layerDefUid")]
	pub layer_def_uid: i64,

	/// Reference to the UID of the level containing this layer instance
	#[serde(rename = "levelId")]
	pub level_id: i64,

	/// An Array containing the UIDs of optional rules that were enabled in this specific layer
	/// instance.
	#[serde(rename = "optionalRules")]
	pub optional_rules: Vec<i64>,

	/// This layer can use another tileset by overriding the tileset UID here.
	#[serde(rename = "overrideTilesetUid")]
	pub override_tileset_uid: Option<i64>,

	/// X offset in pixels to render this layer, usually 0 (IMPORTANT: this should be added to
	/// the `LayerDef` optional offset, so you should probably prefer using `__pxTotalOffsetX`
	/// which contains the total offset value)
	#[serde(rename = "pxOffsetX")]
	pub px_offset_x: i64,

	/// Y offset in pixels to render this layer, usually 0 (IMPORTANT: this should be added to
	/// the `LayerDef` optional offset, so you should probably prefer using `__pxTotalOffsetX`
	/// which contains the total offset value)
	#[serde(rename = "pxOffsetY")]
	pub px_offset_y: i64,

	/// Random seed used for Auto-Layers rendering
	#[serde(rename = "seed")]
	pub seed: i64,

	/// Layer instance visibility
	#[serde(rename = "visible")]
	pub visible: bool,

/// This structure represents a single tile from a given Tileset.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TileInstance {
	/// Internal data used by the editor.<br/>  For auto-layer tiles: `[ruleId, coordId]`.<br/>
	/// For tile-layer tiles: `[coordId]`.
	#[serde(rename = "d")]
	pub d: Vec<i64>,

	/// "Flip bits", a 2-bits integer to represent the mirror transformations of the tile.<br/>
	/// - Bit 0 = X flip<br/>   - Bit 1 = Y flip<br/>   Examples: f=0 (no flip), f=1 (X flip
	/// only), f=2 (Y flip only), f=3 (both flips)
	#[serde(rename = "f")]
	pub f: i64,

	/// Pixel coordinates of the tile in the **layer** (`[x,y]` format). Don't forget optional
	/// layer offsets, if they exist!
	#[serde(rename = "px")]
	pub px: Vec<i64>,

	/// Pixel coordinates of the tile in the **tileset** (`[x,y]` format)
	#[serde(rename = "src")]
	pub src: Vec<i64>,

	/// The *Tile ID* in the corresponding tileset.
	#[serde(rename = "t")]
	pub t: i64,

/// This section contains all the level data. It can be found in 2 distinct forms, depending
/// on Project current settings:  - If "*Separate level files*" is **disabled** (default):
/// full level data is *embedded* inside the main Project JSON file, - If "*Separate level
/// files*" is **enabled**: level data is stored in *separate* standalone `.ldtkl` files (one
/// per level). In this case, the main Project JSON file will still contain most level data,
/// except heavy sections, like the `layerInstances` array (which will be null). The
/// `externalRelPath` string points to the `ldtkl` file.  A `ldtkl` file is just a JSON file
/// containing exactly what is described below.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Level {
	/// Background color of the level (same as `bgColor`, except the default value is
	/// automatically used here if its value is `null`)
	#[serde(rename = "__bgColor")]
	pub bg_color: String,

	/// Position informations of the background image, if there is one.
	#[serde(rename = "__bgPos")]
	pub bg_pos: Option<LevelBackgroundPosition>,

	/// An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map.<br/>  Only relevant
	/// for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For
	/// Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.
	#[serde(rename = "__neighbours")]
	pub neighbours: Vec<NeighbourLevel>,

	/// The "guessed" color for this level in the editor, decided using either the background
	/// color or an existing custom field.
	#[serde(rename = "__smartColor")]
	pub smart_color: String,

	/// Background color of the level. If `null`, the project `defaultLevelBgColor` should be
	/// used.
	#[serde(rename = "bgColor")]
	pub level_bg_color: Option<String>,

	/// Background image X pivot (0-1)
	#[serde(rename = "bgPivotX")]
	pub bg_pivot_x: f64,

	/// Background image Y pivot (0-1)
	#[serde(rename = "bgPivotY")]
	pub bg_pivot_y: f64,

	/// An enum defining the way the background image (if any) is positioned on the level. See
	/// `__bgPos` for resulting position info. Possible values: &lt;`null`&gt;, `Unscaled`,
	/// `Contain`, `Cover`, `CoverDirty`
	#[serde(rename = "bgPos")]
	pub level_bg_pos: Option<BgPos>,

	/// The *optional* relative path to the level background image.
	#[serde(rename = "bgRelPath")]
	pub bg_rel_path: Option<String>,

	/// This value is not null if the project option "*Save levels separately*" is enabled. In
	/// this case, this **relative** path points to the level Json file.
	#[serde(rename = "externalRelPath")]
	pub external_rel_path: Option<String>,

	/// An array containing this level custom field values.
	#[serde(rename = "fieldInstances")]
	pub field_instances: Vec<FieldInstance>,

	/// User defined unique identifier
	#[serde(rename = "identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// Unique instance identifier
	#[serde(rename = "iid")]
	pub iid: String,

	/// An array containing all Layer instances. **IMPORTANT**: if the project option "*Save
	/// levels separately*" is enabled, this field will be `null`.<br/>  This array is **sorted
	/// in display order**: the 1st layer is the top-most and the last is behind.
	#[serde(rename = "layerInstances")]
	pub layer_instances: Option<Vec<LayerInstance>>,

	/// Height of the level in pixels
	#[serde(rename = "pxHei")]
	pub px_hei: i64,

	/// Width of the level in pixels
	#[serde(rename = "pxWid")]
	pub px_wid: i64,

	/// Unique Int identifier
	#[serde(rename = "uid")]
	pub uid: i64,

	/// If TRUE, the level identifier will always automatically use the naming pattern as defined
	/// in `Project.levelNamePattern`. Becomes FALSE if the identifier is manually modified by
	/// user.
	#[serde(rename = "useAutoIdentifier")]
	pub use_auto_identifier: bool,

	/// Index that represents the "depth" of the level in the world. Default is 0, greater means
	/// "above", lower means "below".<br/>  This value is mostly used for display only and is
	/// intended to make stacking of levels easier to manage.
	#[serde(rename = "worldDepth")]
	pub world_depth: i64,

	/// World X coordinate in pixels.<br/>  Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial
	/// positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, the
	/// value is always -1 here.
	#[serde(rename = "worldX")]
	pub world_x: i64,

	/// World Y coordinate in pixels.<br/>  Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial
	/// positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, the
	/// value is always -1 here.
	#[serde(rename = "worldY")]
	pub world_y: i64,

/// Level background image position info
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct LevelBackgroundPosition {
	/// An array of 4 float values describing the cropped sub-rectangle of the displayed
	/// background image. This cropping happens when original is larger than the level bounds.
	/// Array format: `[ cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight ]`
	#[serde(rename = "cropRect")]
	pub crop_rect: Vec<f64>,

	/// An array containing the `[scaleX,scaleY]` values of the **cropped** background image,
	/// depending on `bgPos` option.
	#[serde(rename = "scale")]
	pub scale: Vec<f64>,

	/// An array containing the `[x,y]` pixel coordinates of the top-left corner of the
	/// **cropped** background image, depending on `bgPos` option.
	#[serde(rename = "topLeftPx")]
	pub top_left_px: Vec<i64>,

/// Nearby level info
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct NeighbourLevel {
	/// A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est,
	/// `e`ast).
	#[serde(rename = "dir")]
	pub dir: String,

	/// Neighbour Instance Identifier
	#[serde(rename = "levelIid")]
	pub level_iid: String,

	/// **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0  Replaced
	/// by: `levelIid`
	#[serde(rename = "levelUid")]
	pub level_uid: Option<i64>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct LdtkTableOfContentEntry {
	#[serde(rename = "identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	#[serde(rename = "instances")]
	pub instances: Vec<ReferenceToAnEntityInstance>,

/// **IMPORTANT**: this type is not used *yet* in current LDtk version. It's only presented
/// here as a preview of a planned feature.  A World contains multiple levels, and it has its
/// own layout settings.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct World {
	/// Default new level height
	#[serde(rename = "defaultLevelHeight")]
	pub default_level_height: i64,

	/// Default new level width
	#[serde(rename = "defaultLevelWidth")]
	pub default_level_width: i64,

	/// User defined unique identifier
	#[serde(rename = "identifier")]
	pub identifier: String,

	/// Unique instance identifer
	#[serde(rename = "iid")]
	pub iid: String,

	/// All levels from this world. The order of this array is only relevant in
	/// `LinearHorizontal` and `linearVertical` world layouts (see `worldLayout` value).
	/// Otherwise, you should refer to the `worldX`,`worldY` coordinates of each Level.
	#[serde(rename = "levels")]
	pub levels: Vec<Level>,

	/// Height of the world grid in pixels.
	#[serde(rename = "worldGridHeight")]
	pub world_grid_height: i64,

	/// Width of the world grid in pixels.
	#[serde(rename = "worldGridWidth")]
	pub world_grid_width: i64,

	/// An enum that describes how levels are organized in this project (ie. linearly or in a 2D
	/// space). Possible values: `Free`, `GridVania`, `LinearHorizontal`, `LinearVertical`, `null`
	#[serde(rename = "worldLayout")]
	pub world_layout: Option<WorldLayout>,

/// Possible values: `Manual`, `AfterLoad`, `BeforeSave`, `AfterSave`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum When {
	#[serde(rename = "AfterLoad")]

	#[serde(rename = "AfterSave")]

	#[serde(rename = "BeforeSave")]

	#[serde(rename = "Manual")]

/// Possible values: `Any`, `OnlySame`, `OnlyTags`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum AllowedRefs {
	#[serde(rename = "Any")]

	#[serde(rename = "OnlySame")]

	#[serde(rename = "OnlyTags")]

/// Possible values: `Hidden`, `ValueOnly`, `NameAndValue`, `EntityTile`, `Points`,
/// `PointStar`, `PointPath`, `PointPathLoop`, `RadiusPx`, `RadiusGrid`,
/// `ArrayCountWithLabel`, `ArrayCountNoLabel`, `RefLinkBetweenPivots`,
/// `RefLinkBetweenCenters`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum EditorDisplayMode {
	#[serde(rename = "ArrayCountNoLabel")]

	#[serde(rename = "ArrayCountWithLabel")]

	#[serde(rename = "EntityTile")]

	#[serde(rename = "Hidden")]

	#[serde(rename = "NameAndValue")]

	#[serde(rename = "PointPath")]

	#[serde(rename = "PointPathLoop")]

	#[serde(rename = "PointStar")]

	#[serde(rename = "Points")]

	#[serde(rename = "RadiusGrid")]

	#[serde(rename = "RadiusPx")]

	#[serde(rename = "RefLinkBetweenCenters")]

	#[serde(rename = "RefLinkBetweenPivots")]

	#[serde(rename = "ValueOnly")]

/// Possible values: `Above`, `Center`, `Beneath`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum EditorDisplayPos {
	#[serde(rename = "Above")]

	#[serde(rename = "Beneath")]

	#[serde(rename = "Center")]

/// Possible values: `ZigZag`, `StraightArrow`, `CurvedArrow`, `ArrowsLine`, `DashedLine`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum EditorLinkStyle {
	#[serde(rename = "ArrowsLine")]

	#[serde(rename = "CurvedArrow")]

	#[serde(rename = "DashedLine")]

	#[serde(rename = "StraightArrow")]

	#[serde(rename = "ZigZag")]

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TextLanguageMode {
	#[serde(rename = "LangC")]

	#[serde(rename = "LangHaxe")]

	#[serde(rename = "LangJS")]

	#[serde(rename = "LangJson")]

	#[serde(rename = "LangLog")]

	#[serde(rename = "LangLua")]

	#[serde(rename = "LangMarkdown")]

	#[serde(rename = "LangPython")]

	#[serde(rename = "LangRuby")]

	#[serde(rename = "LangXml")]

/// Possible values: `DiscardOldOnes`, `PreventAdding`, `MoveLastOne`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum LimitBehavior {
	#[serde(rename = "DiscardOldOnes")]

	#[serde(rename = "MoveLastOne")]

	#[serde(rename = "PreventAdding")]

/// If TRUE, the maxCount is a "per world" limit, if FALSE, it's a "per level". Possible
/// values: `PerLayer`, `PerLevel`, `PerWorld`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum LimitScope {
	#[serde(rename = "PerLayer")]

	#[serde(rename = "PerLevel")]

	#[serde(rename = "PerWorld")]

/// Possible values: `Rectangle`, `Ellipse`, `Tile`, `Cross`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum RenderMode {
	#[serde(rename = "Cross")]

	#[serde(rename = "Ellipse")]

	#[serde(rename = "Rectangle")]

	#[serde(rename = "Tile")]

/// An enum describing how the the Entity tile is rendered inside the Entity bounds. Possible
/// values: `Cover`, `FitInside`, `Repeat`, `Stretch`, `FullSizeCropped`,
/// `FullSizeUncropped`, `NineSlice`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TileRenderMode {
	#[serde(rename = "Cover")]

	#[serde(rename = "FitInside")]

	#[serde(rename = "FullSizeCropped")]

	#[serde(rename = "FullSizeUncropped")]

	#[serde(rename = "NineSlice")]

	#[serde(rename = "Repeat")]

	#[serde(rename = "Stretch")]

/// Checker mode Possible values: `None`, `Horizontal`, `Vertical`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Checker {
	#[serde(rename = "Horizontal")]

	#[serde(rename = "None")]

	#[serde(rename = "Vertical")]

/// Defines how tileIds array is used Possible values: `Single`, `Stamp`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TileMode {
	#[serde(rename = "Single")]

	#[serde(rename = "Stamp")]

/// Type of the layer as Haxe Enum Possible values: `IntGrid`, `Entities`, `Tiles`,
/// `AutoLayer`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Type {
	#[serde(rename = "AutoLayer")]

	#[serde(rename = "Entities")]

	#[serde(rename = "IntGrid")]

	#[serde(rename = "Tiles")]

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum EmbedAtlas {
	#[serde(rename = "LdtkIcons")]

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Flag {
	#[serde(rename = "DiscardPreCsvIntGrid")]

	#[serde(rename = "ExportPreCsvIntGridFormat")]

	#[serde(rename = "IgnoreBackupSuggest")]

	#[serde(rename = "MultiWorlds")]

	#[serde(rename = "PrependIndexToLevelFileNames")]

	#[serde(rename = "UseMultilinesType")]

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum BgPos {
	#[serde(rename = "Contain")]

	#[serde(rename = "Cover")]

	#[serde(rename = "CoverDirty")]

	#[serde(rename = "Unscaled")]

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum WorldLayout {
	#[serde(rename = "Free")]

	#[serde(rename = "GridVania")]

	#[serde(rename = "LinearHorizontal")]

	#[serde(rename = "LinearVertical")]

/// Naming convention for Identifiers (first-letter uppercase, full uppercase etc.) Possible
/// values: `Capitalize`, `Uppercase`, `Lowercase`, `Free`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum IdentifierStyle {
	#[serde(rename = "Capitalize")]

	#[serde(rename = "Free")]

	#[serde(rename = "Lowercase")]

	#[serde(rename = "Uppercase")]

/// "Image export" option when saving project. Possible values: `None`, `OneImagePerLayer`,
/// `OneImagePerLevel`, `LayersAndLevels`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum ImageExportMode {
	#[serde(rename = "LayersAndLevels")]

	#[serde(rename = "None")]

	#[serde(rename = "OneImagePerLayer")]

	#[serde(rename = "OneImagePerLevel")]