use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use bevy::prelude::{BuildChildren, Commands, Component, Entity, Resource}; use dashmap::DashMap; use morphorm::Hierarchy; use crate::{ context_entities::ContextEntities, layout::LayoutCache, node::WrappedIndex, prelude::Tree, widget_state::WidgetState, }; /// KayakWidgetContext manages tree, state, and context updates within a single widget. /// Unlike the root context this manages a single widget and it's children. /// At the end of a render system call KayakWidgetContext will be consumed by the root context. /// It has some knowledge about the existing tree and it knows about a subset of the new tree. /// It is not possible to create a KayakWidgetContext from scratch. One will be provided /// to the render system via it's In parameters. #[derive(Resource, Clone)] pub struct KayakWidgetContext { old_tree: Arc<RwLock<Tree>>, new_tree: Arc<RwLock<Tree>>, context_entities: ContextEntities, layout_cache: Arc<RwLock<LayoutCache>>, pub(crate) index: Arc<DashMap<Entity, usize>>, widget_state: WidgetState, pub(crate) order_tree: Arc<RwLock<Tree>>, pub camera_entity: Option<Entity>, // Unique id's store entity id's related to a key rather than the child tree. // This lets users get a unique entity. The first Entity is the parent widget. // The 2nd hashmap is a list of keys and their entities. unique_ids: Arc<DashMap<Entity, DashMap<String, Entity>>>, unique_ids_parents: Arc<DashMap<Entity, Entity>>, } impl KayakWidgetContext { pub(crate) fn new( old_tree: Arc<RwLock<Tree>>, context_entities: ContextEntities, layout_cache: Arc<RwLock<LayoutCache>>, widget_state: WidgetState, order_tree: Arc<RwLock<Tree>>, index: Arc<DashMap<Entity, usize>>, camera_entity: Option<Entity>, unique_ids: Arc<DashMap<Entity, DashMap<String, Entity>>>, unique_ids_parents: Arc<DashMap<Entity, Entity>>, ) -> Self { Self { old_tree, new_tree: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Tree::default())), context_entities, layout_cache, index, widget_state, order_tree, camera_entity, unique_ids, unique_ids_parents, } } pub(crate) fn store(&self, new_tree: &Tree) { if let Ok(mut tree) = self.new_tree.write() { *tree = new_tree.clone(); } } /// Creates a new context using the context entity for the given type_id + parent id. pub fn set_context_entity<T: Default + 'static>( &self, parent_id: Option<Entity>, context_entity: Entity, ) { self.context_entities .add_context_entity::<T>(parent_id, context_entity); } /// Finds the closest matching context entity by traversing up the tree. pub fn get_context_entity<T: Default + 'static>( &self, current_entity: Entity, ) -> Option<Entity> { // Check self first.. if let Some(entity) = self .context_entities .get_context_entity::<T>(Some(current_entity)) { return Some(entity); } // Check parents if let Ok(tree) = { let mut parent = tree.get_parent(WrappedIndex(current_entity)); while parent.is_some() { if let Some(entity) = self .context_entities .get_context_entity::<T>(Some(parent.unwrap().0)) { return Some(entity); } parent = tree.get_parent(parent.unwrap()); } // Finally check root AKA no parent. if let Some(entity) = self.context_entities.get_context_entity::<T>(None) { return Some(entity); } } None } pub(crate) fn copy_from_point(&self, other_tree: &Arc<RwLock<Tree>>, entity: WrappedIndex) { if let Ok(other_tree) = { if let Ok(mut tree) = self.new_tree.write() { tree.copy_from_point(&other_tree, entity); } } } /// Removes all children from the new tree. /// Changes to the current tree will happen when KayakWidgetContext /// is consumed. pub fn clear_children(&self, entity: Entity) { if let Ok(mut tree) = self.new_tree.write() { tree.children.insert(WrappedIndex(entity), vec![]); } } /// Retrieves a list of all children. pub fn get_children(&self, entity: Entity) -> Vec<Entity> { let mut children = vec![]; if let Ok(tree) = { let iterator = tree.child_iter(WrappedIndex(entity)); children =|index| index.0).collect::<Vec<_>>(); } children } fn get_children_ordered(&self, entity: Entity) -> Vec<Entity> { let mut children = vec![]; if let Ok(tree) = { let iterator = tree.child_iter(WrappedIndex(entity)); children =|index| index.0).collect::<Vec<_>>(); } children } fn get_and_add_index(&self, parent: Entity) -> usize { if self.index.contains_key(&parent) { let mut index = self.index.get_mut(&parent).unwrap(); let current_index = *index; *index.value_mut() += 1; current_index } else { self.index.insert(parent, 1); 0 } } /// Creates or grabs the existing state entity pub fn use_state<State: Component + PartialEq + Clone + Default>( &self, commands: &mut Commands, widget_entity: Entity, initial_state: State, ) -> Entity { self.widget_state .add(commands, widget_entity, initial_state) } /// Grabs the existing state returns none if it does not exist. pub fn get_state(&self, widget_entity: Entity) -> Option<Entity> { self.widget_state.get(widget_entity) } /// Returns a new/existing widget entity. /// Because a re-render can potentially spawn new entities it's advised to use this /// to avoid creating a new entity. /// /// Usage: /// ```rust /// fn setup() { /// let mut widget_context = WidgetContext::new(); /// // Root tree node, no parent node. /// let root_entity = widget_context.spawn_widget(&mut commands, None); /// commands.entity(root_entity).insert(KayakAppBundle::default()); /// widget_context.add_widget(None, root_entity); /// } ///``` pub fn spawn_widget( &self, commands: &mut Commands, key: Option<&str>, parent_id: Option<Entity>, ) -> Entity { let mut entity = None; if let Some(parent_entity) = parent_id { if let Some(key) =|key| key.to_string()) { if let Some(key_hashmap) = self.unique_ids.get(&parent_entity) { entity = key_hashmap.get(&key).map(|v| *v.value()); if let Some(child) = entity { if let Some(mut entity_commands) = commands.get_entity(child) { entity_commands.despawn(); } entity = Some(commands.get_or_spawn(child).set_parent(parent_entity).id()); log::trace!( "Reusing keyed widget entity {:?} with parent: {:?}!", child.index(), parent_id.unwrap().index() ); } } else { log::trace!("couldn't find key entity on parent!"); } } else { let children = self.get_children_ordered(parent_entity); // We need to increment the index count even if we are using the unique id key. let index = self.get_and_add_index(parent_entity); let child = children.get(index).cloned(); if let Some(child) = child { log::trace!( "Reusing widget at index: {}, entity {:?} with parent: {:?}!", index, child.index(), parent_id.unwrap().index() ); if let Some(mut entity_commands) = commands.get_entity(child) { entity_commands.despawn(); } entity = Some(commands.get_or_spawn(child).id()); } } } // If we have no entity spawn it! if entity.is_none() { entity = Some(commands.spawn_empty().id()); log::trace!( "Spawning new widget with entity {:?}!", entity.unwrap().index() ); // Note: The root widget cannot have a key for now.. if let Some(parent_entity) = parent_id { commands.entity(entity.unwrap()).set_parent(parent_entity); if let Some(key) =|key| key.to_string()) { if let Some(key_hashmap) = self.unique_ids.get_mut(&parent_entity) { key_hashmap.insert(key, entity.unwrap()); self.unique_ids_parents .insert(entity.unwrap(), parent_entity); } else { let key_hashmap = DashMap::new(); key_hashmap.insert(key, entity.unwrap()); self.unique_ids.insert(parent_entity, key_hashmap); self.unique_ids_parents .insert(entity.unwrap(), parent_entity); } } else { // We need to add it to the ordered tree if let Ok(mut tree) = self.order_tree.try_write() { tree.add(WrappedIndex(entity.unwrap()), } } } } entity.unwrap() } /// Removes all matching children from the tree. pub fn remove_children(&self, children_to_remove: Vec<Entity>) { if let Ok(mut tree) = self.new_tree.write() { for child in children_to_remove.iter() { tree.remove(WrappedIndex(*child)); } } } /// Adds a new widget to the tree with a given parent. pub fn add_widget(&self, parent: Option<Entity>, entity: Entity) { if let Some(parent) = parent { assert!(parent != entity, "Parent cannot equal entity!"); } // Sometimes we need to remove the old entity from the tree. if let Ok(mut old_tree) = self.old_tree.write() { if let Some(parent) = { if let Some(old_parent) = old_tree.parent(WrappedIndex(entity)) { if old_parent != parent { old_tree.remove(WrappedIndex(entity)); } } } } if let Ok(mut tree) = self.new_tree.write() { tree.add(WrappedIndex(entity),; } } // Despawns a widget entity and it's decedents. This is done in a safe way by keeping entity id's around. pub fn despawn_safe(&self, commands: &mut Commands, entity: Entity) { if let Ok(mut tree) = self.old_tree.write() { let mut down_iter = tree.down_iter(); down_iter.current_node = Some(WrappedIndex(entity)); for child in down_iter { commands.entity(child.0).despawn(); commands.get_or_spawn(child.0); } commands.entity(entity).despawn(); commands.get_or_spawn(entity); tree.remove(WrappedIndex(entity)); } } /// Attempts to get the layout rect for the widget with the given ID /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `id`: The ID of the widget /// pub fn get_layout(&self, widget_id: Entity) -> Option<crate::layout::Rect> { if let Ok(cache) = self.layout_cache.try_read() { cache.rect.get(&WrappedIndex(widget_id)).cloned() } else { None } } /// Dumps the tree to the console in a human readable format. /// This is relatively slow to do if the tree is large /// so avoid doing unless necessary. pub fn dbg_tree(&self, entity: Entity) { println!("New:"); if let Ok(tree) = { tree.dump_at(WrappedIndex(entity)); } println!("Old:"); if let Ok(tree) = { tree.dump_at(WrappedIndex(entity)); } println!("Order tree:"); if let Ok(order_tree) = { order_tree.dump_all_at(None, entity); } } /// Consumes the tree pub(crate) fn take(self) -> Tree { Arc::try_unwrap(self.new_tree) .unwrap() .into_inner() .unwrap() } }