use bevy::{ input::{ keyboard::KeyboardInput, mouse::{MouseButtonInput, MouseScrollUnit, MouseWheel}, ButtonState, }, prelude::*, }; use crate::{ context::{CustomEventReader, KayakRootContext}, event_dispatcher::EventDispatcher, input_event::InputEvent, }; pub(crate) fn process_events(world: &mut World) { let mut input_events = Vec::new(); query_world::< ( Res<Events<CursorMoved>>, Res<Events<MouseButtonInput>>, Res<Events<MouseWheel>>, Res<Events<ReceivedCharacter>>, Res<Events<KeyboardInput>>, ResMut<CustomEventReader<CursorMoved>>, ResMut<CustomEventReader<MouseButtonInput>>, ResMut<CustomEventReader<MouseWheel>>, ResMut<CustomEventReader<ReceivedCharacter>>, ResMut<CustomEventReader<KeyboardInput>>, ), _, _, >( |( cursor_moved_events, mouse_button_input_events, mouse_wheel_events, char_input_events, keyboard_input_events, mut custom_event_reader_cursor, mut custom_event_mouse_button, mut custom_event_mouse_wheel, mut custom_event_char_input, mut custom_event_keyboard, )| { if let Some(event) = custom_event_reader_cursor .0 .read(&cursor_moved_events) .last() { // Currently, we can only handle a single MouseMoved event at a time so everything but the last needs to be skipped input_events.push(InputEvent::MouseMoved(event.position.into())); } for event in { if let MouseButton::Left = event.button { if event.state == ButtonState::Pressed { input_events.push(InputEvent::MouseLeftPress); } else if event.state == ButtonState::Released { input_events.push(InputEvent::MouseLeftRelease); } } } for MouseWheel { x, y, unit, window: _, } in { input_events.push(InputEvent::Scroll { dx: *x, dy: *y, is_line: matches!(unit, MouseScrollUnit::Line), }) } for event in { input_events.push(InputEvent::CharEvent { c: event.char.clone(), }); } for event in { input_events.push(InputEvent::Keyboard { key: event.key_code, is_pressed: matches!(event.state, ButtonState::Pressed), }); } }, world, ); // TODO: find a faster way of doing this. let mut context_data = Vec::new(); query_world::<Query<(Entity, &mut EventDispatcher, &mut KayakRootContext)>, _, _>( |mut query| { for (entity, mut event_dispatcher, mut kayak_root_context) in query.iter_mut() { context_data.push(( entity, std::mem::take(&mut *event_dispatcher), std::mem::take(&mut *kayak_root_context), )); } }, world, ); for (entity, mut event_dispatcher, mut context) in context_data.drain(..) { event_dispatcher.process_events(&input_events, &mut context, world); world.entity_mut(entity).insert((event_dispatcher, context)); } } pub(crate) fn query_world<T: bevy::ecs::system::SystemParam + 'static, F, R>( f: F, world: &mut World, ) -> R where F: FnOnce(<T as bevy::ecs::system::SystemParam>::Item<'_, '_>) -> R, { let mut system_state = bevy::ecs::system::SystemState::<T>::new(world); let r = { let test = system_state.get_mut(world); f(test) }; system_state.apply(world); r }