use ::kayak_font::{TextLayout, TextProperties}; use bevy::prelude::*; use kayak_ui::prelude::{widgets::*, KStyle, *}; #[derive(Component, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct MyWidgetProps { pub foo: u32, } fn my_widget_1_render( In(entity): In<Entity>, my_resource: Res<MyResource>, mut query: Query<(&mut MyWidgetProps, &KStyle, &mut ComputedStyles)>, ) -> bool { if let Ok((mut my_widget, style, mut computed_styles)) = query.get_mut(entity) { = my_resource.0; dbg!(; // Note: We will see two updates because of the mutable change to styles. // Which means when foo changes MyWidget will render twice! *computed_styles = KStyle { color: Color::RED.into(), render_command: StyleProp::Value(RenderCommand::Text { content: format!("My number is: {}",, alignment: Alignment::Start, word_wrap: false, subpixel: false, text_layout: TextLayout::default(), properties: TextProperties::default(), }), ..Default::default() } .with_style(style) .into(); } true } // Our own version of widget_update that handles resource change events. pub fn widget_update_with_resource< Props: PartialEq + Component + Clone, State: PartialEq + Component + Clone, >( In((entity, previous_entity)): In<(Entity, Entity)>, widget_context: Res<KayakWidgetContext>, my_resource: Res<MyResource>, widget_param: WidgetParam<Props, State>, ) -> bool { widget_param.has_changed(&widget_context, entity, previous_entity) || my_resource.is_changed() } impl Widget for MyWidgetProps {} #[derive(Bundle)] pub struct MyWidgetBundle { props: MyWidgetProps, styles: KStyle, computed_styles: ComputedStyles, widget_name: WidgetName, } impl Default for MyWidgetBundle { fn default() -> Self { Self { props: Default::default(), styles: Default::default(), computed_styles: Default::default(), widget_name: MyWidgetProps::default().get_name(), } } } #[derive(Resource)] pub struct MyResource(pub u32); fn startup( mut commands: Commands, mut font_mapping: ResMut<FontMapping>, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, ) { let camera_entity = commands .spawn((Camera2dBundle::default(), CameraUIKayak)) .id(); font_mapping.set_default(asset_server.load("roboto.kayak_font")); let mut widget_context = KayakRootContext::new(camera_entity); widget_context.add_plugin(KayakWidgetsContextPlugin); let parent_id = None; widget_context.add_widget_data::<MyWidgetProps, EmptyState>(); widget_context.add_widget_system( MyWidgetProps::default().get_name(), widget_update_with_resource::<MyWidgetProps, EmptyState>, my_widget_1_render, ); rsx! { <KayakAppBundle><MyWidgetBundle props={MyWidgetProps { foo: 0 }} /></KayakAppBundle> }; commands.spawn((widget_context, EventDispatcher::default())); } fn update_resource(keyboard_input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>, mut my_resource: ResMut<MyResource>) { if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) { my_resource.0 += 1; } } fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugins((KayakContextPlugin, KayakWidgets)) .insert_resource(MyResource(1)) .add_systems(Startup, startup) .add_systems(Update, update_resource) .run() }